Scope of JPSP

Topics appropriate for the Journal include original research on human strengths and virtues, personal and social well-being, as well as applications to psychotherapy and counseling. Articles that evaluate the teaching and coaching of positive psychology are also invited. Special emphasis is placed on new theoretical and methodological approaches that advance both the science and practice of positive psychology. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed original research reports, briefer empirical reports, and theoretical and review articles provided the latter represent a new and original contribution, rather than merely surveys of literature or summaries of previous research.

Journal of Positive School Psychology covers all academic areas of social sciences including but not limited to anthropology, archaeology, behavioral sciences, criminology, cultural studies, demography, developmental studies, economics, education, gender studies, geography, gerontology, history, international studies, linguistics, media studies, philosophy, political sciences, psychology, public administration, rural and urban studies, social work, sociology and sustainability studies.