2021 vol 5 issue 3

1. The Relationship of Theory of Planned Behavior and Entrepreneurship Competence with Business Takeover Intentions
David Houghton-Williams, Verena Jonker
Institute of Business and Education, Jönköping University,Sweden.

2. A Review of Insurance, Banking and Financial Supervision in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA); Challenges & Prospects
Salman Bin Mukhtar and Keith Foston
School of Economics and International Studies, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University.

3. Investigation of Escalating Control Among Politicians and Public Employees, through Stewardship
Randall William Cook
School of Business and Social Sciences, Roskilde University, Denmark.

4. Impact of Public Service Logic to Improve Serviceness in the Public Sector
Chrissy Doring and Roisin Carty
Department of Business and Social Sciences, BI Norwegian Business School Norway.

5. A Moderation Model of Supervisory Support; Investigating the Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Discretion: Evidence from the Field
Ahmat Noor ul Shahab, Razia Arjumand, Sajid Arshad, Mumtaz Al Maktoum
Department of Social Studies, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.