2021 vol 5 issue 2

1. Investigating the Trust Model for Online Reviews of Tourism Services and Evaluation of Destinations
Rob Mokaraka, Hiroaki Muramoto, and James L. Millington
Faculty of Information Technology and Business, University of Sannio , Italy.

2. Role of Gamification for Increasing Employee Self-Leadership and Self-Concordance
Ema Pomare and Tomek Piatek
Department of Social Sciences Management, Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Peru.

3. Public Service Motivation and Work Stress among U.S. Federal Employees; A Mediation Model of Person Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit
Brennan Prevatt and Henk Prins
School of Public Administration & Services Utah Valley University, USA.

4. Investigating the Emerging Markets for Eco-Efficiency and Stock Market Volatility Relationship
Dale Pugh, Emrys Plaisted, Jon Allitt
Guilin University of Technology, China, University of Burgos, Spain, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.

5. Analyzing the Moderated Mediating Effect of Vocational Calling on Servant Leadership and Innovative Behavior.
Hiroaki Muramoto
College of Management Sciences, Yancheng Institute of Technology , China.